Commit 5b7fbfa4 authored by Margrenzo Gunawan's avatar Margrenzo Gunawan 💬


rename reversal
parent 970aef71
import json, os
import csv
from datetime import date
import shutil
import calendar
from airflow import DAG
......@@ -101,6 +102,16 @@ def sql_clean_syntax(ti):
def stop_task(**kwargs):
return True
def rename_reversal():
formatted_date_today ='%Y%m%d')
formatted_date_yesterday = yesterday_nodash
files_to_process = [f'T24-FT.REVERSAL-{formatted_date_today}.csv', f'T24-TT.REVERSAL-{formatted_date_today}.csv']
for file_info in files_to_process:
destination_path = f"""{Variable.get("LOCAL_PATH")}t24/{yesterday_nodash}/{file_info.replace(formatted_date_today, formatted_date_yesterday)}"""
source_path = f"""{Variable.get("LOCAL_PATH")}t24/{yesterday_nodash}/{file_info}"""
print("file sudah ada") if os.path.exists(destination_path) else shutil.copy2(source_path, destination_path)
with DAG("APJ_1_t24_interface",
start_date=datetime(2021, 1, 1),
......@@ -125,6 +136,10 @@ with DAG("APJ_1_t24_interface",
rename_reversal = PythonOperator(
# sftp_neraca = BashOperator(
# task_id="sftp_xx",
# bash_command=f"""sshpass -p {Variable.get("SFTP_T24_PASSWORD")} sftp -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -r {Variable.get("SFTP_T24_USER")}@{Variable.get("SFTP_T24_HOST")}:/REPORT.BP/NERACA/*{yesterday_nodash}* {Variable.get("LOCAL_PATH")}t24_neraca/{yesterday_nodash}/""",
......@@ -298,4 +313,4 @@ with DAG("APJ_1_t24_interface",
begin >> sftp_xx >> sftp_ppap >> ds_list_extractor >> csv_clean_syntax >> clean_csv >> pg_ddl_syntax >> pg_create_table >> ds_push_syntax >> sql_clean_syntax >> ds_csv_to_table >> ds_clean_data >> stop_task >> ds_create_table_history_nominatif >> ds_to_history >> set_access_schemma >> set_access_all_table >> set_access_schemma_his >> set_access_all_table_his >> pentaho >> zip_today >> delete_before >> history_finish
begin >> sftp_xx >> sftp_ppap >> rename_reversal >> ds_list_extractor >> csv_clean_syntax >> clean_csv >> pg_ddl_syntax >> pg_create_table >> ds_push_syntax >> sql_clean_syntax >> ds_csv_to_table >> ds_clean_data >> stop_task >> ds_create_table_history_nominatif >> ds_to_history >> set_access_schemma >> set_access_all_table >> set_access_schemma_his >> set_access_all_table_his >> pentaho >> zip_today >> delete_before >> history_finish
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