Commit 54f577d6 authored by Margrenzo Gunawan's avatar Margrenzo Gunawan 💬

[SETTING] Varaible

settingan variable airflow
parent eef43def
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"database": "postgres",
"host": "",
"password": "fds123##",
"port": "5432",
"user": "postgres"
"DATE_OF_DATA": "today",
"DS_DB": "ds_psql_boi",
"DS_EBANKING": "ds_ebanking",
"DS_IBB": "ds_ibb",
"DS_IGATE": "ds_igate",
"DS_MGATE": "ds_mgate",
"DS_SWITCHING": "ds_switching",
"ENV_T24": "",
"LOCAL_PATH": "/opt/airflow/dags/DFE/",
"PENTAHO_HOST_PASSWORD": "admin:admin@",
"REMOTE_PATH": "/home/oper/DFE-ORT/",
"SFTP_T24_HOST": "",
"SFTP_T24_PASSWORD": "Boii123#",
"SFTP_T24_USER": "sftpboiiprod",
\ No newline at end of file
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